Dalmia Cement – #GharEkSandook

Dalmia Cement sought to connect with its core target audience of males aged 30-55 on the occasion of Father’s Day. Cement is generally a low-involvement product where decisions are often left to contractors and dealers. To differentiate the brand, Dalmia Cement aimed to emotionally resonate with its audience by highlighting the role a home plays in building memories, in line with its family-centric messaging.

Target Audience:
The campaign targeted males aged 30-55, who are the primary decision-makers when it comes to home-building projects.

Business Problem:
Dalmia Cement needed to create brand salience in a market where functional and technical attributes dominate and where end-users tend to rely on contractors or dealers for decisions. The challenge was to build an emotional connection with the audience that goes beyond the product’s utilitarian value.

Campaign Idea – #GharEkSandook
The creative idea behind the campaign was to liken a house to a treasure chest of memories, calling it #GharEkSandook (Badi Aamar Ekti Sindook in Bengali). The home was portrayed as a space where memories are built, and fathers play a pivotal role in shaping these memories across generations. The story focused on a father reliving memories of his own father, while creating new ones with his daughter in the same family home, underscoring how Dalmia Cement helps build not just structures, but the emotional foundation of family life.

Key Message:
A house is more than a structure; it’s a home because of the memories made within its walls. This Father’s Day, the campaign aimed to help fathers reflect on their past and future, highlighting the pivotal role that a home—and by extension, Dalmia Cement—plays in creating lasting family memories.

Campaign Mechanics:

The #GharEkSandook campaign was executed across social media platforms and news outlets to maximize reach and engagement. Key components included:

  • Emotional video content portraying the family dynamic of a father reliving memories with his daughter.
  • A focus on storytelling to highlight the importance of homes in creating memories.
  • Strategic release across digital and news media to achieve broad visibility.


  • Client

    Dalmia Cement

  • Video Views

    1.7 Mn

  • Impressions

    9.9 Mn

  • Reach

    6.6 Mn

  • Engagement

    342 K

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