Randstad – Women in Sales

Randstad, a global HR services provider, was tasked with hiring female field sales executives for one of their clients. However, the recruitment process faced challenges due to existing societal perceptions and stereotypes about women in sales, particularly in field roles.

Target Audience:
The campaign aimed at women with the skill set or potential to excel in sales but who were hesitant to pursue such roles due to common misconceptions about the job.

Business Problem:
Randstad needed to overcome the following key barriers to hiring women in field sales roles:

  1. Perception of the job as tiring and unsafe – While the job can be demanding, it offers immense learning opportunities and is a great way to kickstart a career.
  2. Stereotype that women can’t do sales – The campaign emphasized that women’s emotional intelligence and empathy can be key strengths in sales.
  3. Concerns about the physical nature of the job – Addressing complaints like tanning, the campaign embraced a quirky approach, positioning field sales as an empowering choice that helps women “shine by getting tanned.”

Campaign Idea – Breaking Stereotypes:
The core message of the campaign was to challenge outdated perceptions and encourage women to embrace sales as a career. Through a series of communication, the campaign used an engaging and inspiring tone to dispel myths about women in sales. The messaging highlighted the strengths that women bring to the table and underscored the personal and professional growth that comes from a career in sales.

Goals and Results:
The primary goal was to drive an increase in female applications for field sales executive roles. The campaign was measured by the number of resumes submitted, along with engagement metrics like likes, shares, and comments on social media posts.

By breaking stereotypes and adopting an inspiring tone, Randstad was able to open up opportunities for women in sales, driving a higher rate of engagement and resume submissions.

  • Client


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